Scroll down to enter

After Dark starts at 8pm on Saturday 11/14, on Zoom. Artists will share their work and then we’ll mingle. The session will not be streamed publicly. It’s okay to turn your camera and sound off or on and to type in the chat or not. You must be 18 years or older to enter.

Pictured above: your host, C Bain.
Photograph: Michael Wilson.

Walk to the back of the restaurant, knock on the door, and wait to be let in.

While you wait

Here’s Jake Frisbie’s Coming.

Purity. Chastity. Modesty. Virginia Woolf chose these (Christian) virtues to exemplify femininity - they are what transform her character Orlando from a man into a woman. As a Queer nonbinary person conditioned male, Jake Frisbie subverts these archetypes by performing how they encounter them contemporarily, in an attempt to transcend the gendered body and pervert expectations.